Friday, July 9

How Lovely,

So, I hope you're all ready because I have a few blogs up my sleeve. Thats right, IVE BEEN PREPARING. How exciting XD... So here you go:

I been a busy, busy la-day.
We had prom it was, how do you say... not as rub. as expected, bit tedious though.

Aren't they beaut-ees?

It's Bec, my date. Looking joyous.

And some more lovelys looking lovely, including my blog-idols:
and Becca.
ahh my blog bows to those. bows, and kisses their feets. okay, now it's creepy. :D


Then 4 friends and I went back to mine for A FOOKIN-CRAZAY-DRUNKENMESS-WOOHOO- AFTERPARTAAY. Lulz.

We watched Footloose, ate Ginjelly, and developed a new drink, named aptly 'The Footloose'. God, we're so creative it hurts sometimes. Hurts.
Indulge yo'self in these pictures of the MENTAL event.

Observe our cray cray feast of jelly, magic stars, and pringles. I warned you how crazy we were.

We took Hannah's hair out, and she looked so VERY FOOKIN AUDREY HEPBURN. HAWT. HAWT.

This is me dancing to 'Let's here it for the Boy' shown in the following video, I don't remember this part of the film at all. Only remember hearing the song and dancing, badly. but ma-gawd it was fun. I love that song. OBSERVE FURTHER:


Hope you enjoyed that, I'm hoping to become a more regular blogger. I don't want to disappoint anyone. WIPES TEAR FROM EYE.

1 comment:

  1. we DID have fun.

    p.s. i am liking the prospect of regularity. among your irregular self.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I love you for eternity now. XD