ON A GOOD NOTE. I have many many picture of holiday times. Mainly of food. God it was good. And I promise that I will hand-pick the most delightful for my next post. Expect it in the next few hours. I need a nap; it's 10:02 pm in malaysia, i was there for 2 weeks. Im very tired. Naptime needed.
Fear not though Im not just gonna leave you with a contentless, boring, self apolgetic post. No, no. Here are some hot cakes design by my... cousin in law?? (is that what it's called.. idk) She's my cousins wife. And she make delish cakes. DEE-LISH. She is hoping to make a business out of selling cakes etc as atm she and her husband are jobless. DAMNED RECESSION. So yeah enjoy the pictures and if you show interest now I'll give you a discount of her cakes when shes the most sight after cake-r in the land. PROMISE. XD (also thank you if you've read this far)

She has made many more cakes ofc but I cannay find the pictures on facebook. and fb is my extent of photo finding. soz.
Okay it's now 10:36 pm malaysia time. I can't multitask packing for ynot and blog. Agian i apologise.
peace xxx