Right, so I get back from Malaysia at 5am English time, travel in the car for a good 3.5 hours, arriving home roughly 8.30 am English time. I am greeted by this:

oh. yeah. and
Then, I sleep-ed. Then, I blog-ed.

The next two days consisted of packing for Y-not and packing up my house (moving). Tad stressful.
But Y-not was amazing. My loves (Grace and Adam) and I, bought FAR too much food in Sainsburys and proceeded to eat about... 2/7 ths of it?
I will do a fully dedicated blog post for it later. Honest I will this time, you see I've started 6th form now, and presently need distraction. Facebook is not enough any more, its like drugs, i need a bigger fix.
I shall leave you to this:

I would.